Taking out a loan for a home is a big decision, and most people these days opt for the conventional, FHA, or VA loans. Another category is the no income 먹튀검증업체 loan. There are some situations where this loan is an excellent option and others where it is a case of a mortgage broker who is trying to make a commission. Let’s examine some situations that show the pros and cons of taking out a no income verification loan.
One of the best uses of the no income verification loan is for people who are self-employed. If you are in this type of situation, you often can’t provide the documents that are normally required for a conventional loan, such as current pay stubs, W-2 forms and so forth to verify your income. Because you are self-employed, you may also write off many things as expenses on your taxes. Some of the things you write off include the building, which may be your home, gas and mileage, entertainment, supplies, and many other things. Because of this, your tax returns usually do not show a steady income or a high enough income to qualify, which is what banks want to see before approving a home loan.
If you have been working for the same company or even in the same field of work for at least 2 years and a mortgage broker is trying to talk you into a no income verification loan, you should watch out. The broker is probably after a commission, because with 2 years of steady work under your belt, you should be able to qualify for a conventional loan. If you do not qualify for a conventional loan with your current income, don’t let the broker talk you into a no income verification loan, because you won’t be able to afford that kind of loan either, and could end up having to foreclose.
Another individual who may benefit from the no income verification loan is the person who makes the largest share of their income from tips that they receive. This type of employee often doesn’t claim all the money that is earned, and often receives cash instead of a check with a verifiable pay stub. Without a clear and steady income that can be verified, it can be hard to qualify for a conventional loan. It is almost like being a self-employed person who is renting a section at a restaurant or hair salon. Because it can be challenging to prove income, the NIV loan may be the best way to go.
Another problem situation is if you are in a position where you have a high debt to income ratio and the mortgage broker offers you a deal where you don’t have to prove your income. This could get you into a high monthly mortgage payment that you can’t afford. Because you have a high debt to income ratio, the NIV loan is definitely not for you.
As you can see, the NIV loan can be a great option for some people while it is not a good option for others. If you have an excellent credit score and are self-employed, it is an option that can really work. If you really need to get a loan quickly for whatever reason, it could be an option for you because less documentation and verification means that the entire process takes less time. This may be just right for the person who is buying and selling homes in a relatively short period of time. However, it is good to remember that in general, the NIV loan will have higher rates being charged because the banks are taking a higher risk with this type of loan.