Being affiliated with numerous people on facebook auto liker can bestow some marvelous opportunities. If you’re a writer then a capacious network on Facebook will establish you as an authority figure in your market. For me, being socially connected has helped me associate with amazing folks from all around the world. I’m not always necessarily in it for the money. I’m more concerned in connecting with people for influence. I savor being able to add some measure of value to people’s day and now and then challenge their world view.
I’m occasionally viewed as controversial on Facebook… that has certainly not been helpful in developing my popularity. Most people aren’t on Facebook to be challenged. They usually prefer to hang out and catch something absorbing or funny… or cute. I love sharing cute animal images… I admit it. That being said, I don’t consider Facebook as only a medium for amusement or entertainment either. Being well- connected on social media has furthered my online income, largely through affiliate marketing referrals. When people give you the gift of their attention you possess the power to direct them to web sites outside of Facebook. I do a lot of selling on Facebook, however Facebook is primarily a place to connect with people and build real relationships. If you want to become more popular on Facebook, It’s not the best practice to always be pitching a product. If you’re going to sell something then “sell the click”. Put differently, if you want someone to look into out a website outside of Facebook then you need to convince them why they should check out the site. Stir curiosity and make people wonder. Sell the click. Nothing more. Or as they say in Spanish, “Nada Mas”.
At any rate, here’s how you are able to mature your Facebook network.
Establish your wall as a sanctuary where people take delight in stopping by. To do that go to your privacy settings and then alter your settings so that only you can post on your wall, and that any other posts necessitate your approval before others see them. Yes, it’s great to get posts on your wall. But this is the simplest way to fend off spammers and it helps you have control over what your connections see when they land on your timeline. You may not have a spam issue now but it can become more of an issue when you are associated with thousands of people. NOTE: Switch this setting a few days before your birthday. It is nice to allow your admirers to write on your wall on your birthday.
Become the source of everything that you contribute or share online by downloading and uploading. You can grant accreditation to the original source for anything that you find but make sure that you are the source of the share. This will give you the ability to carry a message with the share. The fastest and easiest technique to get followers and friend requests and become more popular on Facebook is to leverage viral content. In other words, most of your posts should be subject matter that you already know to be share-worthy. If most of your posts have already cleared the share-worthy screen test then you will step up the rate that your posts are shared, allowing for your reputation to piggy back off the dissemination of viral media. The share-worthy test simply means that the content has already been shared by others. The more something is shared the more share-worthy it is. It’s that simple. There are a few important things to consider such as the timing of your post, the amount of exposure that the content you are sharing has already received and the relevance of your post. Different people like different things; so share content that is relevant to your personal network of friends and associates. You will quickly learn what content people like based on the feedback you incur from people.